15FW Byungmun Seo knitwear featured on WEAR global magazine

15FW Byungmun Seo featured on Collezioni Sport and Street magazine
Available at our stockists #losangeles #london #tokyo #shanghai#lagos #guangzhou #rome #milan #hongkong #seoul #ingolstadt #munich #kuwait
Many thanks

Available at our stockists
#losangeles #london #hongkong #seoul#milan
#rome #kuwait #munich #ingolstadt #guangzhou #lagos
#shanghai #tokyo
Come and experience our 15FW Byungmun Seo
Many thanks

Korean pop star Jungjun Young in 15SS Byungmun Seo for Bnt news

Byungmun Seo SS16 Collection Show 'SHADOW PIECES'
during Milan Fashion Week.

At the back stage after Byungmun Seo SS16 Collection Show in Milan

Byungmun Seo SS16 Collection Show, 'Shadow pieces' in Milan

At the backstage of Byungmun Seo SS16 Runway show, 'Shadow Pieces' in Milan

Finale at Byungmun Seo SS16 Runway show, "Shadow pieces' in Milan

Byungmun Seo SS16 Collection Preview Image
Come and experience our SS16 Shadow pieces
9 Rue de Lesdiguèires. 75004 Paris

Byungmun Seo SS16 Collection Preview Image
Come and experience our SS16 Shadow pieces
9 Rue de Lesdiguèires. 75004 Paris
Nice to see new friend. You look amazing in our coat
many thanks

Nice Display at Traffic Los Angeles in USA

Byungmun Seo SS16 Collection 'Shadow Pieces' at Showroom
in Paris

Customer's amazing look
with byungmunseo on Mr. Tommy from our stockist, Closet Case Soho in London
Many thanks

16SS Byungmun Seo Collection Runway Show 'Shadow Pieces'
in Milan
Photo by @matteodipippo

SS16 Byungmun Seo Runway Show 'Shadow Pieces'
After the show at backstage. Amazing Boys and girls.
Show time #MFWSS16

At the backstage of 16SS Byungmun Seo Runway Show in Milan

#Repost @matteodipippo
#backstage #fashion #week #work
Exhibition in Milan for #milanoexpo#milanofashionweek
Nice photo from very talented
photographer @matteodipippo Many thanks.

Black Byungmun Seo at showroom in Paris #boonparis #byungmunseo#shadowpieces
#parisfashionweek #pfw

White Byungmun Seo at showroom in Paris #boonparis#byungmunseo #shadowpieces #black
#white#parisfashionweek #paris #fashionweek

16SS Byungmun Seo Runway Show #Milano #mfw #milanfashionweek is over but sales campaign in Paris Showroom #boonparis #marais #bastilekicks off tomorrow. Please come and experience our #shadowpieces16SS Byungmun Seo Collection #showroom #paris #parisfashionweek#pfw @imjinkay @nicosolis #janiss

#Repost @adamlambert in 15SS Byungmun Seo
Double layered t-sh from @closetcasesoho many thanks #byungmunseo #whitebyungmunseo
#shadowpueces #mfw #milanfashionweek

At pitti Uomo #byungmunseo

16SS Byungmun Seo runway show in Milan is about to start. Stay tuned.#byungmunseo
#whitebyungmunso #milanfashionweek #milanfashion
#mfw#catwalkshow #runwayshow #shadowpieces

We are very pleased to inform that we will have
a catwalk show for 16SS Byungmun Seo Collection
as a event of K-fashion in Milano
on 22nd June 6.30pm. #byungmunseo #kfashion#milan #catwalkshow #runwayshow
#shadowpieces #whitebyungmunseo#style
#pittiuomo #milan #paris

Byungmun Seo White trouser featured in #esquire #korea #may #issue#byungmunseo
#에스콰이어 #5월호 #trouser #magazine #editor
#권지원에디터님 #이현범디렉터님 #highend #pictorial #editorial#cuttingedgy

Very stylish guy @samokyere1 in Byungmun Seo structured suit at the preview of #나의절친악당들
#movie # #musteatch #film #bestfilmoftheyear
#샘오취리 #megahit #release #firstrun #6월25일#june25 #action #repost #시크뉴스 many thanks.

#Repost @krimoyahyaoui on Byungmun Seo
StructuredJacket. #byungmunseo #structured #jacket
#style #avantgarde #black #dark #paris#milan #firenze

Never ending work #16ss #byungmunseo
#shadowpieces #lastminute#lackoftime
#firenze #milan #paris #fashionweek #soon #overnight
#womenswear #menswear #whitebyungmunseo

15SS Byungmun Seo structured suit featured in Geek magazine Korea #byungmunseo #geek #magazine#editorial
#shooting #style #suit #jacket #cropped#trouser
Now available at @llud_official in Seoul for made-to-order. Come and experience.

#Repost @officialtaboo Amazing Taboo,
rapper of the black eyed peas wearing
#byungmunseo#leathervest #mesh
#djing #seoul #korea #club #theA #stylish
#theblackeyedpeas #vest #bep #style #dj #nice
#rapper #rap #hiphop

Korean pop star #ken member of #vixx
spotted in Byungmun Seo trouser
#byungmunseo #popstar #ken #vixx #idolstar #airport #fashion #공항패션#빅스 #켄

#Repost @trafficlosangeles Beautiful new windows with #byungmunseo#15ss.
Now available at #trafficlosangeles #Traffic #losangeles
#beverlycenter #la #highend #luxury #boutique
#menswear #designer#cuttingedgy

#Repost @boy_namNice look with
15FW Byungmun Seo leather shorts and sneakers
#BOYNAM #lookbook #shanghaifashionweek #shfw
#shooting#showroom #style #black

Save the date // Byungmun Seo Sample sale
// 4.25 Sat to 5.1 Fri // 11:00 to 21:00 LLUD
byungmunseo #samplesale #menswear #store
#soundofsilencestudio#style #chance #getgetget
서울 중구 퇴계로 18길 30 1층 #명동 #남산
#70% #80%#세일 #편집샵 #맨즈웨어 #스토어

At rehearsal of 15FW Byungmun Seo Runway Show
at Seoul Fashion Week.
Photo by inclassic
@samokyere #samokyere #샘오취리 #byungmunseo
#seoulfashionweek#sfw #soundofsilencestudio

Today's outfit with Byungmun Seo asymmetric
shirt from @traprdye #byungmunseo #style #look #menswear #mensstyle #mensfashion
#soundofsilencestudio #mensshirt

Amazing Shameik Moore in Byungmun Seo white leather vest (@meaksworld) is the leading man in this summers coming of age movie,#DopeMovie, alongside @ZoeIsabellaKravitz & @asvpxrocky.
shirt: @dsquared2
vest: @byungmunseo
jeans: @gap
shoes: @grensonshoes
Bleu Magazine#repost #bleumagazine
#byungmunseo #soundofsilencestudio

Nice to see you #darrell
#shanghai #shanghaifashionweek
#byungmunseo #soundofsilencestudio

15FW Byungmun Seo at alter showroom
#shanghai #shanghaigashionweek #followthebuyer #soundofsilencestudio.

Nice to see amazing duo designer #norwegianrain#altershowroom
#byungmunseo Let s rock shanghai together #shanghai #china

15FW Byungmun Seo Runway Show official image #benustudio#byungmunseo #seoulfashionweek
#sfw #ddp #glitchofthei #style#fashionweek
#fashionshow #runwayshow #soundofsilencestudio
#김규호#김도진 #여연희 #이봄찬 #샘오취리#장성훈
#김나래 #이세한 #이호정#최정진 #원영훈 #구경민
#서울패션위크 #black #dark #highend

15FW Byungmun Seo Collection Show
#seoulfashionweek #rehearsal #byungmunseo #mensfashion #15fw #glitch #soundofsilence
#soon #reopen #samokyere
#김도진 #이세한 #이호정 #최정진 #김나래 #여연희
#김성욱 #신동한 #정재훈 #심명보 #문민수 #구경민
#원영훈 #이석찬 #김규호 #장성훈 #이봄찬 #최정갑
Photo by @93bestshots_sulchong

15FW Byungmun Seo Collection Show
#seoulfashionweek #rehearsal #byungmunseo #mensfashion #15fw #glitch #soundofsilence
#soon #reopen #samokyere
#김도진 #이세한 #이호정 #최정진 #김나래 #여연희
#김성욱 #신동한 #정재훈 #심명보 #문민수 #구경민
#원영훈 #이석찬 #김규호 #장성훈 #이봄찬 #최정갑 #projektprodukt
Photo by 강태규

15FW Byungmun Seo Collection Show
#seoulfashionweek #rehearsal #byungmunseo #mensfashion #15fw #glitch #soundofsilence
#soon #reopen #samokyere
#김도진 #이세한 #이호정 #최정진 #김나래 #여연희
#김성욱 #신동한 #정재훈 #심명보 #문민수 #구경민
#원영훈 #이석찬 #김규호 #장성훈 #이봄찬 #최정갑
Photo by @raffinehiphop

Byungmun Seo x Machine in EXO'luXion
Amazing collaboration with global pop star 'EXO' for EXO'luXion Concert.
#exo #엑소 #exoluxion #byungmunseo #machine

#Repost very stylish guy @korederoberts
featured by #GQ #parisfashionweek #streefashion #hignend #luxury with Byungmun Seo
structured rider jacket spotted everywhere
durning #pfw #fusionconcepts
#nigeria #lagos #korederoberts
Featured again by #GQ #repost #streetstyle
#FW1516 #forwardbuying #GQ

#Repost Nigerian superstar @iyanya
in 14FW Byungmun Seo Structured Shirt
from @korederoberts
#fusionconcepts #nigeria
#lagos #hignend #luxury #store #byungmunseo #showtime #black #white #avantgarde #dark #darkee

#Repost The amazing @treysonz #treysonz
in 15SS BYUNGMUN SEO White Leather Vest
From @trafficlosangeles #ProudStylist #styling
by amazing @aprilroomet with @danielpatrick_ #TreySongz #BTStour #popstar #byungmunseo #aprilroomet #trafficla #danielpatrick_

Byungmun Seo at #koreanspot with @archilista.
#byungmunseo #pitti #pittiuomo #firenze #florentine #style #night #party #latergram #regram #designer #kfashion #koreanfashion #menswear #dark
#darkwear #darkfashion #darkee

Byungmun Seo vibe shined at #pittiuomo #pitti #pittipeople #repost from Pittiuomo86.

Amazing look with Byungmun Seo structured leather rider jacket from very stylish guy #krimoyahyaoui

14SS Byungmun Seo Air-mesh Snapback spotted on street. #byungmunseo #germany #airmesh #snapback

Nice shooting with 15FW Byungmun Seo Coated
long cardigan @betosee #byungmunseo
#15fw #glitchofthei #glitch #asymmetric #textured #cardigan #style #newmen #newlook #paris #parisfashionweek #pfw #shooting #tranoi #tranoihomme

Very nice look of @stefanhuber in 14SS Byungmun Seo hooded cape #byungmunseo #style #hoodcape #germany #stierbult #munich #paris #parisfashionweek #pfw #seoulfashionweek #sfw #newman #newlook #menswear

Space Soldier look with 14FW Byungmun Seo
structured vest from very stylish @korederoberts #fusionconcepts #lagos #Nigeria #london #byungmunseo #followerthebuyers #paris #parisfashionweek #pfw #style #starwars

The show is over #paris #parisfashionweek #pfw
#tranoi #tranoihomme
but we are still showing at 9Rue De Lediguieres 75004 #boonparis #doorstudios #showroom #byungmunseo